Mrs Brown’s Boys D’Movie

I have a confession and I know some of you might think less of me for this but I don’t hate Mrs Brown’s Boys. I don’t love it either and I wouldn’t call myself a fan but will watch episodes when they are on and generally have a couple of laughs throughout. It’s not clever…

Pretty Is

There’s something visceral and terrifying about the thought of children being kidnapped. As a child I remember being scared of the bogeyman who would take me away from my family and the first news stories I remember are of girls my own age going missing from home…

Avengers: Age of Ultron

I’ve been watching films long enough now not to be too disappointed when sequels don’t match the brilliance of original films. I don’t mind that and have an inbuilt expectation of diminishing returns when film series go into multiple instalments. So I wasn’t expecting Avengers: Age of Ultron to be as good…

Top Ten: Actors Snubbed by Oscar

We’re now at the stage in the cinema calendar where the Oscar nominations have been announced and the films designed to bait the audience are being gushed over. Steven Spielberg directs Tom Hanks in a Cold War thriller. Tick. Cate Blanchett in a 1950s lesbian love story. Tick…


A few years ago we visited Iceland for a long weekend and I absolutely fell in love with the country. Darren dived at Silfra between the European and North American continental shelf while I mooched around Reykjavik taking photos and being mesmerised by the water and the mountains…

Strictly Between Us

One of the first books I read last year was Jane Fallon’s Getting Rid of Matthew and in an unintended coincidence the third book I’ve read in 2016 is the new Fallon novel Strictly Between Us, published on January 14th this year…

Carrying Albert Home

There’s an anecdote that my husband loves to recount about a holiday we took to Kenya. We were sleeping in tents (very posh tents) on the side of a lake and I looked at the furtherest tent which had a number of crocodiles nearby. “The poor buggers in that tent” I sympathised…

2016 Classics Challenge

Happy New Year. I’ve decided to take part in the 2016 Classics Challenge being run by Stacey at The Pretty Books. The idea of the challenge is to read a “classic” book every month and share thoughts on blogs, social media etc. I’m always saying I have to read more classics…

Merry Christmas

I’m off for a wee break for a few weeks. My parents are visiting for a couple of weeks, it’s my 40th birthday soon and we have a diving holiday booked at the beginning of the year so I’m stepping back from the blog until mid-January…

Turkey Seconds

Yesterday in my mini-focus on Christmas books, I reviewed Mandy Baggot’s One Wish in Manhattan – my initial reservations about the novel were overcome when I got to like the main characters. Today I have exactly the opposite issue. I couldn’t stand the main character …