Top Ten: Actors Snubbed by Oscar

We’re now at the stage in the cinema calendar where the Oscar nominations have been announced and the films designed to bait the audience are being gushed over. Steven Spielberg directs Tom Hanks in a Cold War thriller. Tick. Cate Blanchett in a 1950s lesbian love story. Tick…

Calamity Jane

If there’s ever been a time in my life that I needed cheering up it’s been the past few days. My beautiful cat was run over and killed and I’ve been a total wreck since then. I’ve not been able to do any work, going out of the house was hard and even eating took a back seat. I’ve started to come out the other side now…

Top Ten: Most watched films

Last week Total Film had a feature where their writers named the films they watched most often. I thought it was a great idea so I’m blatantly stealing it for this week’s Top Ten. These aren’t necessarily my favourite films, or the best films ever made, but they are the ones that I have always turned to when looking for something comforting and familiar to watch…

Top Ten: Movie Musicals

Of all the Top Ten lists I’ve done so far, or am likely to do, the Top Ten Movie Musicals is the toughest I can imagine. I love musicals, be they on stage or screen, and without a doubt they are my favourite film genre.