Top Ten: Actors Snubbed by Oscar

We’re now at the stage in the cinema calendar where the Oscar nominations have been announced and the films designed to bait the audience are being gushed over. Steven Spielberg directs Tom Hanks in a Cold War thriller. Tick. Cate Blanchett in a 1950s lesbian love story. Tick…

Top Ten: 1997 Films

A couple of years ago I listed my Top Ten films from 2001, a post that was inspired by a Facebook discussion. As I’ve not been making it to the cinema as often as I’d life recently, I’ve decided to repeat the exercise for a few different years – it might even come to be a series as I approach my 40th birthday…

Top Ten: Harrison Ford Movies

Hard as it might be to believe, but Harrison Ford turns 70 today. In honour of this milestone here are 10 of my favourite Ford films.

Top Ten: Movie Presidents

He’s the most powerful man in the world. Makes the decisions that will affect us all – no matter which country we live in, has his finger on the nuclear button and is often the target of assassination plots. He is called upon to save the world…