How I Review…(or Sorry for not finishing the book)

I’ve failed absolutely miserably with my efforts to complete Deadly Harvest for today. So what do I do? Hide? Make something up? Or try to do something a little different?

2016 Classics Challenge

Happy New Year. I’ve decided to take part in the 2016 Classics Challenge being run by Stacey at The Pretty Books. The idea of the challenge is to read a “classic” book every month and share thoughts on blogs, social media etc. I’m always saying I have to read more classics…

Merry Christmas

I’m off for a wee break for a few weeks. My parents are visiting for a couple of weeks, it’s my 40th birthday soon and we have a diving holiday booked at the beginning of the year so I’m stepping back from the blog until mid-January…

Top Ten: Paperback Summer Choices

In a rare moment of enthusiasm I signed up to the #SummerPaperback challenge being hosted by Sophie at Reviewed the Book. The idea is simple and based on the fact that we all have massive To Be Read piles and never seem to get round to reading the books that are growing out of their space on the bookshelves…

A break… and a return

I’ve had a bit of a blogging break for a few months, sometimes the need to read ALL the books and see ALL the films is a bit much and the fun is taken out of what should be a really important and enjoyable part of my life. I’m thoroughly grateful to all of the authors and publishers who have provided me with books for review…

2014 Blogging Resoultions

Well, 2014. Who expected that to come around so quickly? Not me – I still can’t believe it’s a year and a half since the London 2012 Olympics. Or slightly more than a year since Les Miserables was released in UK cinemas… I can remember writing news posts about casting announcements. 2013 wasn’t the best year I’ve ever had…

End of one era… beginning of another

A very rainy Trafalgar Square last night hosted the world premiere of the last ever Harry Potter film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two. Fans were in tears, newspapers covered the event with minute by minute updates and fashion bloggers quickly passed judgement on the frills and frocks on show on the red carpet. Without a doubt last night marked the end of an era.

The Harry Potter franchise has dominated the world of entertainment for a decade and a half and it’s unlikely that anything will have quite the same impact on popular culture for a years to come.

For as long as I can remember I’ve been a big fan of both books and movies. I can’t recall a time in my life when I didn’t have a shelf full of books waiting to be read, and I still feel a little tingle of excitement watching The Wizard of Oz – the first VHS we ever owned as a family. The transition from the black and white dreariness of Kansas to the Technicolor brilliance of Oz was a moment of real magic to me. Ever since then I’ve loved being swept away to new worlds courtesy of the movies….

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