Turkey Seconds

Yesterday in my mini-focus on Christmas books, I reviewed Mandy Baggot’s One Wish in Manhattan – my initial reservations about the novel were overcome when I got to like the main characters. Today I have exactly the opposite issue. I couldn’t stand the main character …

One Wish in Manhattan

I’m continuing my brief focus on Christmas books this week with Mandy Baggott’s One Wish in Manhattan, a New York set romance between a British girl and an American billionaire – thankfully one without a red room. Single mum Hayley Walker is spending Christmas with her brother Dean in New York…

Never Kiss A Man In A Christmas Jumper

This week I’m pretty much focusing on Christmas books. I’ve spent the past few days reading nothing but Christmas stories and I might actually be overdosing on sweetness and festive fun. I’m taking a break for a bit after this week for Christmas, my 40th birthday, New Year and a holiday to Egypt…

Top Ten: Christmas Present Books

A few days ago I published my top ten books of 2015, these are the books that appealed to me most during the year. I am aware though that these aren’t ten books that will appeal to everyone else. Here are ten books that I think would make brilliant Christmas presents for various family and friends…

The Winter Wedding

I’m in a quandary about my review of Abby Clements’ The Winter Wedding. I’m not sure this has ever happened to me and it’s hard to discuss without getting into spoiler territory. I enjoyed the writing and read the book in just a couple of days but I hated the morals of the story …

A Wedding at Christmas

Earlier this year I read and reviewed Chrissie Manby’s third Benson family story, A Proper Family Adventure. As you might recall I enjoyed the book but the snob in me had some problems connecting with the Bensons. They seemed a bit loud, a bit too close a family for my liking…

The 12 Dates of Christmas

I’ve been getting lots of proofs of Christmas books recently and they all look great fun. This is shaping up to be a fabulous November and December for fans of fun and frothy romance stories. My latest Christmas read is Lisa Dickenson’s The 12 Dates of Christmas…

A Christmas Carol

This entry is part 10 of 10 in the series The 12 Days of Christmas

I only have a couple of Christmas traditions, not many but I do like to stick to them. I watch certain films, I insist on seeing the Queen’s Speech at 3pm on Christmas Day and I enjoy some indulging…

Skipping Christmas

This entry is part 4 of 10 in the series The 12 Days of Christmas

I love Christmas, as is probably evident from the fact that I’m running a 12 Days of Christmas series. I love the gifts, the sentimentality and the sheer corniness of the whole season. I cry at films like Miracle on 34th Street and White Christmas…

It shouldn’t be this hard to find a Christmas book…

This entry is part 2 of 10 in the series The 12 Days of Christmas

I started planning my 12 Days of Christmas feature in a little tinselly flurry. I was going to have so many posts that it would take me months to write them all…