Archives for 2012

Pitch Perfect

I am not a Gleek. I’m not saying that as some sort of big statement about the pros and cons of Glee, I’m just not a fan of the show. I enjoyed the first series and kind of liked the second but lost interest after that. Everything seemed a bit same-y after a while and I was beaten down by the moralising …

The West End Front

Over the past few weeks I’ve been utterly enchanted by Richard E. Grant’s Hotel Secrets on Sky and that’s almost entirely down to Grant himself. He’s bonkers, totally, utterly and wonderfully bonkers and has educated me in the ways of posh hotels around the world…

Love Actually

In the past couple of years there have been a number of ensemble films released focusing on a specific time of year or time in people’s lives – Valentine’s Day, New Year’s Eve and What to Expect When You’re Expecting are all been recent examples of the genre…

How To Be A Woman

When I was at University I chose Feminism and Political Theory as one of my modules in a bit of a blind panic. It was that or Marx & Hegel and that option terrified me. I was a bit worried about it before going into the classes but enjoyed it more than I thought I would and it ended up being one of my more academically successful modules. I was the least militant feminist in the class…


I love a good Christmas movie. Oh, let’s not beat around the bush, I even love a bad Christmas movie as my affection for crass tear-jerkers like The Christmas Shoes will bear witness to. From now until Christmas I’ll be watching a steady stream of tinselly themed movies…

Seven Psychopaths

When I saw In Bruges I liked it but didn’t love it, Colin Farrell was good and Brendan Gleeson was great but I didn’t think the film was anything special. When I learned that writer/director Martin McDonagh was reuniting with Farrell …..

Raindance 2013 Submissions Open

It seems like only a couple of days ago that this year’s Raindance Festival closed but already the team has opened submissions for next year’s festival. This year over 138 short films were featured and films from over 35 countries featured. In my coverage over the past couple of years I’ve tended to focus on the feature films but I’ve been contacted by some short film-makers and have been reassessing my thoughts on short films…

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

It was almost inevitable that following the successful splitting of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows into two parts, future screen adaptations of novels would come in multiple installments. And so it came to pass almost immediately with Twilight: Breaking Dawn and the announcement that Peter Jackson’s cinematic portrayal of The Hobbit…


I’ve not really got into the Christmas spirit yet this year. So far we’ve sent 6 cards, I’ve bought all my presents but they are sitting in a heap waiting to be wrapped. It’s so bad that I haven’t even watched The Muppet Christmas Carol yet – maybe that’s why I’m not in the festive mood yet…

The Lord of The Rings Trilogy

I’m off out to see The Hobbit later, hoping that some of the dreadful reviews that have been in the press have been on the cruel side rather than wholly fair. As I was running my series on Blu-Ray box-sets to give as Christmas gifts this seemed the perfect time to revisit the Lord Of The Rings Trilogy. Then I panicked – I have the theatrical release box-set, would this be the best one to review? What about the Extended Edition?