A few days ago I published my top ten books of 2015, these are the books that appealed to me most during the year. I am aware though that these aren’t ten books that will appeal to everyone else. Here are ten books that I think would make brilliant Christmas presents for various family and friends…
Top Ten: Christmas Present Books
Cover Reveal – Jihadi: A Love Story

I’m really excited to be publishing my first ever cover reveal today. I’ve never done one before and before I started book blogging, I didn’t realise how excited book-lovers got about getting a preview of a book cover. It’s fabulous to see in advance a cover and blurb for an upcoming book
Publisher Interview: Karen Sullivan

This month I’m going to have a bit of a spotlight on a fabulous new British publisher, Orenda Books. I’ll be reviewing and giving away The Defenceless by Kati Hiekkapelto, and reviewing How to Be Brave by Louise Beech. I’m starting this month with an interview with Karen Sullivan, the woman behind the books…
The Abrupt Physics of Dying

It’s often said “Don’t judge a book by its cover” but let’s be honest, we all do it don’t we? If a cover doesn’t draw our attention then it’s unlikely that we will pick up the book, scan the blurb and read the front page. For some people a pastel cover with shiny text screams “chick lit” and they’ll avoid at all costs…