Archives for 2011

Delia Smith’s Christmas

This entry is part 1 of 10 in the series The 12 Days of Christmas

It’s coming up to Christmas and I’m starting a new series – The 12 Days of Christmas. There’s going to be book reviews, movie reviews, thoughts on the best Christmas movies and some Christmas present suggestions. Up until about two weeks ago I hadn’t really started …

Almost 4 million British children don’t own a book

Of all the news stories I’ve read recently, this is undoubtedly the most depressing. According to a survey by the National Literacy Trust almost 4 million children in Britain do not own a book. This represents almost one third of the kids in the UK, a massive rise from one in ten in 2005. I find this really quite upsetting, I think back to my own childhood and how many books I had and the magical lands that they took me to…

Independence Day

My husband has been away on a training course for a few days and I’ve been left home alone. I always have such civilised plans – good food, classic films and reading serious books. It never works. I usually sit up until 2 in the morning eating Super Noodles and watching mindless blockbusters…

Les Mis – Some Good News

As regular readers know I am half excited and half terrified by the forthcoming movie version of my favourite musical, Les Miserables. The recent announcement that rising star Eddie Redmayne had been cast as Marius was a real relief, I couldn’t have stood it if Nick Jonas had got the role. More good news came this week from director Tom Hooper who has confirmed that filming would be in 2D rather than 3D

The Ghost

There are some authors whose books you take to straight away – for me those authors include Jilly Cooper and John Grisham. There are others that can take a little more time to get used to. It took me a while to get into Ian Rankin, now I count him as one of my favourite crime writers so I generally find it worth persisting….

Hot Fuzz

In Shaun of the Dead Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost brilliantly parodied zombie movies, while at the same time creating a damn good film which fits nicely into the list of great horror films. The follow-up, Hot Fuzz…

Top Ten: Movie Presidents

He’s the most powerful man in the world. Makes the decisions that will affect us all – no matter which country we live in, has his finger on the nuclear button and is often the target of assassination plots. He is called upon to save the world…

“Biography” of cancer wins award

The Emperor of All Maladies, a biography of cancer by oncologist Siddhartha Mukherjee, has won The Guardian First Book award and the £10,000 prize. Mukherjee’s book beat four novels on the shortlist including Booker nominated Pigeon English. Started as a small journal attempting to answer patients’ questions about their illness, the book grew…

The Greenhouse

Last year, along with my husband and a couple of friends, I embarked on a challenge we called EuroFifty. We intended to visit all 50 countries in Europe within one year. Unfortunately we didn’t quite manage to visit the entire continent…

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert

I do love a good drag queen. The hair, the lipstick, the clothes that no woman in her right mind would ever be found dead in and most of all the absolutely bitchy as hell attitude. I once made the fatal mistake during a World Aids Day bingo game and got ripped to shreds by the host(ess) of the competition…