Top Ten: 1997 Films

A couple of years ago I listed my Top Ten films from 2001, a post that was inspired by a Facebook discussion. As I’ve not been making it to the cinema as often as I’d life recently, I’ve decided to repeat the exercise for a few different years – it might even come to be a series as I approach my 40th birthday…

Con Air

There are some things that films need to be truly great – strong acting, meaningful narrative, subtle direction. Oh and explosions, big explosions. And a toy bunny in peril. Thankfully Con Air has all – or almost all – of these elements in abundance (or at least the elements that really matter anyway) …

Top Ten: Movie Explosions

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Guy Fawkes

One of the best things about Guy Fawkes Night is the plethora of firework displays that take place. I love fireworks, I genuinely oooh and aaah when a rocket goes up and explodes in a flash of bright colours. As you can probably guess I’m also a big fan of loud and bright explosions in movies. I know they aren’t subtle or intelligent but they are great fun….

Top Ten: Scary Movies

This entry is part 9 of 12 in the series Hallowe'en Horror Week

It’s only a couple of days now until Hallowe’en and like many other film reviewers I’ve been thinking lots about my favourite scary movies. At first I was apprehensive, I seem to have spent a long time telling you that I’m not a fan of the genre so I really thought that it would take me ages to even come up with 10 that I liked….