Archives for 2013


Ron Howard is a funny old director. You never quite know what you’re going to get with him. His work ranges from the brilliant (Apollo 13, Frost/Nixon) to the fairly good (Backdraft, Splash) to the diabolical (The Dilemma) and encompasses every stage in between. He hits more often than he misses but his name isn’t an automatic guarantee of quality…

The Book Thief Trailer

The first trailer for the film adaptation of Markus Zusak’s brilliant The Book Thief has been released. As my review explains, I love The Book Thief. It is one of the few books released in the past decade that I would call a true classic and I’m evangelical about getting as many people to read it as possible…

Gone Girl

One of the most popular and talked about books of the last 12 months has been Gillian Flynn’s mystery Gone Girl. Reviews have refused to discuss the narrative in case any of the suspense was spoiled and it has been praised for its literary excellence as well as its ability to please a mass audience…

Ron Burgundy Memoir Announced

Deary me, a “memoir” of fictional 70s newscaster Ron Burgundy will be published later this year by Random House. The thought doesn’t exactly fill me with enthusiasm. For a start I hated Anchorman. I’ve tried to watch it five times…

Jaded Youth

At the end of last year I read and reviewed the debut novel of local author A.G. Chambers. Jaded Rein was an assured science fiction debut which held my interest and could almost see me develop an interest in a genre that I’ve so far pretty much ignored. Jaded Rein…


The teaser trailer for Muppets Most Wanted has been released and much to my delight it’s very Animal-heavy. No hint of a plot other than the fact it’s a road movie of some sort but that doesn’t matter. It’s the Muppets back on our screens….

The World’s End

There are some films you can watch over and over again. The ones that you know most of the dialogue of, that you laugh at the jokes a minute before they are delivered on screen and you watch on TV every time they are shown, despite owning them on DVD. For me these films include the first two installments in the Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy…

The Devil’s Ribbon

I’ve just embarked on the daunting task of writing a novel. It’s something I’ve wanted to do since I was a little girl and over the years I’ve started, written about 150 words, panicked and deserted my writing. Not only is the concern that my writing isn’t good enough but also the worry that I’m not being original enough…

Monsters University

It’s summer here in the UK, actual proper summer. There’s sun and everything. So how am I spending the hottest days in Britain in years? In beautifully air conditioned cinemas of course. I’m not a sun-seeker, I have very fair skin and once burned under a normal kitchen light…

The American President

There are no four better words in entertainment than “Written by Aaron Sorkin” – you know if Sorkin has written the script then a quality watch is ahead. His credits are strong…