Top Ten: Feel-Good Films

Today is the United Nations International Day of Happiness. So go on, smile. If the UN says we’ve to be happy, then we’re damn well going to be happy. Here are 10 films that are guaranteed to bring a smile to my face and make me feel happy.


People get hit in the face with wrenches. What’s not to love about that? Possibly Vince Vaughan’s last funny film this always makes me laugh. I have told my husband that if I ever stop laughing at Dodgeball then it’s time to take me off to Switzerland, my life will have lost all meaning.

The Full Monty

The story of unemployed Sheffield steelworkers deciding to make money by stripping is one of the best British comedies of the last couple of decades. The story of a deprived town, losing its major industry, could have been thoroughly depressing and there are moments of pathos here but this is one of the most life-affirming films you’ll see. You’ll always do the dole queue dance to Hot Stuff once you’ve seen this one.

gregory's girlGregory’s Girl

Bella Bella! John Gordon Sinclair’s career has never reached the dizzy heights of this great high school film set in the new town of Cumbernauld is a delight and perfectly reflects 80s life in the West of Scotland. Except for the kid wandering around the school corridors wearing a penguin outfit. We never had that at All Saints.

My review of Gregory’s Girl

Hot Fuzz

It’s a staple of ITV3 and must be on telly at least once a fortnight but it’s always worth making time to watch. My pick as the best of the Cornetto trilogy, just edging out Shaun of the Dead, this is chock-full of the best of British thespian talent and quotable lines.

My review of Hot Fuzz

it's a wonderful lifeIt’s a Wonderful Life

A Christmas classic about love, redemption and the impact we have on the lives of others. It makes me cry every single time the people of Bedford Falls support George Bailey in his darkest hour but it’s happy tears. When Clarence gets his wings I always cheer. Always.

A Knight’s Tale

Thoroughly daft tale of a poor squire pretending to be a Knight to take part in jousting tournaments, this is great fun and will always be a cheery film to watch. Raised from the ordinary thanks to Heath Ledger’s charismatic performance, Paul Bettany’s brilliant Chaucer and a soft rock soundtrack that gets you dancing as you watch.

My review of A Knight’s Tale

The Little Mermaid

The film that marked the beginning of Disney’s late 20th Century renaissance is almost perfect. Ariel is a sparky heroine and Prince Eric may be the handsomest Disney Prince. The songs are fabulous and the story funny. What’s not to love?

Pitch Perfect

It’s not a brilliant film, in fact I think I only gave it 3.5/5…. But the musical scenes are fabulous, the story light and frothy and the performances spot on. A great example of how a film doesn’t have to be outstanding to be fun and make the audience leave with big smiles on their faces.

My review of Pitch Perfect

singinrainSingin’ in the Rain

On the other hand this is a brilliant film. I’m a big fan of the musicals and this is still top of my list. There are no end of scenes to make you happy but for me the glorious Good Morning is the best number in the film.

My review of Singin’ in the Rain

Sunshine On Leith

Chock-full of catchy songs from The Proclaimers this is one of my favourite films of the last couple of years. The story of two Edinburgh soldiers who return home to find love is just fabulous. Ignore the fact that the plot and character names are all built around song titles and just lose yourself in the sheer joy of it.

My review of Sunshine on Leith

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