Archives for June 2014


We’re just over 8 months in our new house and have built a summer house in the back garden, it’s a fabulous place – big and airy and with a fridge full of white wine and a speaker for music. This is my new happy place and I will happily forego a holiday this year to spend time in the garden reading…

Black Lake

One of the things that I particularly enjoy during the summer is visiting Stately Homes and Gardens. I love wandering round the houses and taking a glimpse into Britain’s past. I imagine the lives of the aristocratic families who lived in the house for generations, the parties that took place…

The Long Fall

It’s now the middle of June and, against all expectations, the weather is improving and we could even say that summer is coming. It’s the time of year when thoughts turn to beaches, holidays and relaxation. And there’s no better way to relax than with a book which takes you away from your own life and to far away lands. Julia Crouch’s thriller The Long Fall…

The Axeman’s Jazz

There are some cities across the world which hold a certain fascination for many people – London, Paris, Rome, New York, Venice for example all conjure up very specific images which are burned into our collective consciousness. To that list I would also add New Orleans…

Struck by Genius

Before I start this review I have to declare an interest – I hate Maths. Hated it at school and still break out in a cold sweat if anyone expects me to do anything maths related. This isn’t some sort of false vanity – I got 8% in my Higher Prelim. I am bad at Maths, I don’t understand it…