
We’re just over 8 months in our new house and have built a summer house in the back garden, it’s a fabulous place – big and airy and with a fridge full of white wine and a speaker for music. This is my new happy place and I will happily forego a holiday this year to spend time in the garden reading…

Top-Ten: Chick Lit Writers

There are few things more satisfying than getting lost in a book which offers nothing more than some romance, escapism, fun and a bit of a break from the doom and gloom of everyday life.

The Summer Book Buying Spree

It’s holiday time and for many of us and that means a chance to relax by a pool or on a beach with a cold drink and a book or ten! Unless you’ve bought hundreds of books that you’ve never got around to reading (yep, I’ve done that) then you’ll need to buy some to […]