Archives for February 2013

Warm Bodies

After a brief period of unpopularity zombies are back to being the supernatural bad guys of the moment. Vampires are on their way out and I blame (or depending on your point of view, thank) The Walking Dead for the resurgence of the zombie. It could be worse, we could be over-run with sparkly bloody nightcrawlers for all eternity. The latest zombie flick is Warm Bodies…

Zero Dark Thirty

I’m doing my best to catch up with as many of the films and performances in this year’s Oscar race before February 24th. I’ve managed Lincoln, Les Miserables (for the second time) and The Impossible in the past few days. I may have missed the boat on The Master, Argo and Amour but if it’s still on locally I’ll get to it. I was really glad to have made it to Zero Dark Thirty…

House of Cards

If you were involved in British politics in the late 80s and early 90s then you couldn’t fail to be hooked on the TV adaptation of the Michael Dobbs novel House of Cards. Every political party member and amateur debater who thought they were being clever answered any question asked of them with “You might think that, I couldn’t possibly comment.”…


When you look at the cast and synopses of some films they scream “Oscar fodder” at you. You just know that at the back of studio executives’ minds when the film goes through the development stage is Oscar Night and a row of shiny bald gold men lighting up their Hollywood offices…

Baftas (almost) live blog

Last year I had a lot of fun live-blogging the Oscar’s ceremony so I’m going to do the same again this year and thought I’d also blog the British Academy Awards. It’s only an almost live blog as it’s live blogging the television broadcast..

I Give It A Year

Weddings bring out the worst in me. I don’t like them, I don’t like the enforced jollity, I don’t like big parties and I don’t really like family events. I did have a bad experience at a wedding once where I was trying to be friendly to someone who was particularly mean to me. Then there was the wedding where I was chatted up by the father of the bride’s child…

The Impossible

I’m a news junkie, whenever something even vaguely interesting happens I am hooked on BBC News online, Sky News and Twitter. I have to know what’s happening. But it took a few days for the Tsunami on Boxing Day 2004 to get into my consciousness…