The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

In my top-ten crime writers list published last year I included Stieg Larsson. His Millennium trilogy was a tour de force and Lisbeth Salander was a new kind of heroine – spiky, unique, damaged and at times a little unlikeable…

The Redbreast

The astonishing worldwide success of Stieg Larsson’s Millennium trilogy, and to a lesser extent Henning Mankell’s Wallander series, has opened the eyes of British readers to the appeal of Scandinavian crime writing. In the past couple of weeks Twitter friends have suggested books by Arnaldur Indridason, Asa Larsson and Jo Nesbo….

Top Ten: Crime Writers

Every so often I worry that I’m not a “serious” enough reader. I don’t scour the new literary releases looking for the critics’ choice as my next purchase. I don’t obsessively plough my way through the shortlists of the highbrow book prizes. That’s not to say that I don’t read any literary fiction at all, but offered the choice of a Booker Prize winner or a good crime thriller I’d pick the latter any day of the week.

There is a wealth of enjoyable crime fiction available and hundreds of new and established crime novelists but I tend to find myself returning to the same authors over and over again. Here, in alphabetical order, are my top ten crime writers.

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