Archives for June 2015

The Versions of Us

I’ve often wondered what would have happened with my life if I had attended the girls’ school that my mum wanted me to go to rather than the local comprehensive that I did. Would I have gone to college and met my best friend? Would I have studied law or medicine…

Top Ten: Female Directed Films

As I get older I find myself becoming increasingly feminist in my opinions. I look around me and I see reports of women facing sexism in their daily lives, I watch Parliament and hear female MPs being told to “behave” by their male colleagues and I have to bite my tongue…

Hitler’s Forgotten Children

The Nazi obsession with racial purity is well known; their goal of an Aryan master race and their racial policies led to the murder of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust and the targeting of other racial and religious groups including Black Germans, gypsies, and physically and mentally disabled people…

The Killing of Bobbi Lomax

It is Hallowe’en 1983. Prom queen and teenage bride Bobbi Lomax lies dead on her front lawn, killed by a bomb placed by an unknown assailant. Just a few minutes later Peter Gudsen is also killed, a nail from a bomb piercing his brain. Within a few more minutes, a third explosion…

It’s Not Me It’s You

I try not to judge a book on its first few pages, I like to get into the narrative before I make any judgments. Of course there are some books where this doesn’t work – I couldn’t read more than the first four or five pages of Anne Enright’s The Gathering…


There’s a podcast that I listen to called Stuff You Missed in History Class, it’s a 30 minute or so look at individual incidents in history which, while fascinating, don’t seem to be well-known. One of my favourite episodes was one which recounted the West Point Eggnog Riot of 1826…