
As you’ll know if you follow me on Twitter, I’m passionate about animal welfare. It’s one of the issues that I regularly have a good old rant about – hunting with hounds, the use of animals in shops, cruelty to pets and of course keeping wild animals in captivity…

Scenes of a Crime

This entry is part 27 of 30 in the series Raindance 2011

In the past few weeks the case of Troy Davis has brought the issue of miscarriages of justice in the American legal system to the front of public consciousness. People are appalled that an apparently innocent man could be sentenced to death against the evidence available…

Holy Rollers

This entry is part 24 of 30 in the series Raindance 2011

I’m not a religious person but I do get a little tired of the cliched representations of people of faith in films and TV. If you’re Muslim, you’re a terrorist; if you’re Jewish, you’re the weedy, perpetual victim and if you’re Christian…