Every so often a new list of the 100 “best” books is released. The most recent is World Book Night’s Top 100 and others include the BBC Big Read and the Telegraph’s Top 100. To an extent these lists are popularity contests and many of the choices will change from year to year…
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Top Ten: Classic Books I’ve Never Read
Filed Under: Top 10 Tagged With: allegories, animals, Brave New World, Catch-22, classics, Gormenghast, I Capture The Castle, Iain Banks, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, Scottish authors, The Hobbit, The Iliad, The Lord of the Rings, The Wasp Factory, Top 100, Watership Down
Meet Me At The Cupcake Cafe

I like to think in another life I could have been Jenny Colgan. We’re roughly the same age and both come from the West of Scotland, but Colgan has written a number of best-selling ‘chick-lit’ novels. I haven’t!
Filed Under: Books Tagged With: chick lit, comforting, cupcakes, fun, Jenny Colgan, love, Meet Me At The Cupcake Cafe, recipes, romance, Scottish authors